
Herman Melville
Herman Melville
Herman Melville »

Death of a Salesman
Death of a Salesman
Certain Private Conversations in Two Acts and a Requiem »

Eudora Welty
Eudora Welty
Eudora Welty »

Daniel Defoe
Daniel Defoe
The Novels »

The Spire
The Spire

John Milton's  Paradise Lost
John Milton's Paradise Lost
Max Notes »

Zora Neale Hurston
Zora Neale Hurston
Best known for her 1937 novel Their Eyes Were Watching God she also publishednumerous short stories and essays three other novels and two books on blackfolkl... »

Notes On Golding's "Lord Of The Flies"
Notes On Golding's "Lord Of The Flies"
Cliffs Notes is aimed at students needing to understand a subject with a minimum of fuss, covering both classic and modern literature. In this case Golding's... »