Elderly Jonathan Lydell III is proud of his family history. For him familystatus and history are the only realitiesthat and his antebellum house. Lydellis restoring the house to its preCivil War configuration complete with astranger room for unknown travelers. Separate from the rest of the house theintent was to protect the family from unsavory guests. But what protects thetravelers? Nearly 150 years ago an inexplicable murder took place inside theLydells locked stranger room. Now another identical murder has been committedin the newly restored room. Why would history repeat itself? Does the Lydellfamily history hold the key to the mystery? Dr. Frederick Ramsay a retiredEpiscopal priest lives and writes in Surprise Arizona. Stranger Room is hisfourth novel to feature Sheriff Ike Schwartz. « is een netwerk voor sociaal lezen. Wij helpen lezers nieuwe boeken en schrijvers ontdekken, en brengen lezers met elkaar en schrijvers in contact. Meer lezen »
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