
Pre-Industrial Societies
Pre-Industrial Societies
Anatomy Of The Pre-Modern World »

The Nativist Prophets of Early Islamic Iran
The Nativist Prophets of Early Islamic Iran
Rural Revolt and Local Zoroastrianism »

God's Rule - Government and Islam
God's Rule - Government and Islam
Six Centuries of Medieval Islamic Political Thought »

From Arabian Tribes To Islamic Empire
From Arabian Tribes To Islamic Empire
Army, State And Society In The Near East C.600-850 »

Roman, Provincial and Islamic Law
Roman, Provincial and Islamic Law
The Origins of the Islamic Patronate »

Medieval Islamic Political Thought
Medieval Islamic Political Thought
Presents general readers and specialists with a broad survey of Islamic political thought in the six centuries from the rise of Islam to the Mongol Invasions... »

From Kavad To Al-Ghazali
From Kavad To Al-Ghazali
Religion, Law And Political Thought In The Near East, C. 600-C. 1100 »

God's Rule
God's Rule
Six Centuries of Medieval Islamic Political Thought »

The Book Of Strangers
The Book Of Strangers
Medieval Arabic Graffiti on the Theme of Nostalgia »