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Dead Aid
Dead Aid
Warum Entwicklungshilfe nicht funktioniert und was Afrika besser machen kann »

Dead Aid
Dead Aid
We all want to help. Over the past fifty years $1 trillion of aid has flowed from Western governments to Africa, with rock stars and actors campaigning for m... »

Doodlopende hulp
Doodlopende hulp
Er is enorm veel westerse ontwikkelingshulp richting Afrika gegaan, de afgelopen vijftig jaar. En het lijkt niets te helpen: de armste landen worden alleen m... »

Doodlopende hulp
Doodlopende hulp
waarom ontwikkelingshulp niet werkt en wat er wel moet gebeuren. »

How The West Was Lost
How The West Was Lost
Fifty Years of Economic Folly - and the Stark Choices Ahead. »

Der Untergang des Westens
Der Untergang des Westens
Haben wir eine Chance in der neuen Wirtschaftsordnung? »

Dead Aid: Why Aid Is Not Working And How There Is A Better Way For Africa
Dead Aid: Why Aid Is Not Working And How There Is A Better Way For Africa
Why Aid Is Not Working and How There Is a Better Way for Africa »

How The West Was Lost: Fifty Years Of Economic Folly--And The Stark Choices Ahead
How The West Was Lost: Fifty Years Of Economic Folly--And The Stark Choices Ahead
Fifty Years of Economic Folly--And the Stark Choices Ahead. »

Winner Take All
Winner Take All
China's Race for Resources and What It Means for the World »

How The West Was Lost (Library Edition)
How The West Was Lost (Library Edition)
Fifty Years Of Economic Folly---And The Stark Choices Ahead »